Friday, May 5, 2017

Day 10 Short but Sweet

Greetings all, Dustin here again. Today we decided to get one last look at the Grand Canyon before we took off for Nevada. It was a pretty slow day without many photo opurtunities, but I did get this picture of lizards fighting. We spent almost the entire evening in the car. We didn't take any pictures of the landscape because nothing really stood out to us. After all, what could impress you after seeing the Grand Canyon? 

Oh I nearly forgot, I climbed down into the Canyon to pick up some litter, which was quite scary. I popped my head back over the edge, and a Japanese family saw me and clapped as I climbed up. They were very sweet, and helped me learn a few new words in Japanese. 

After driving all evening we stopped to get some Thai food. I had to get more of that sweet sweet red curry. If you're ever out and about and you want spicy food, go for Thai food. Always tasty, and if you ask them for spice... make like Scar from The Lion King and be prepared. Once the sun went down we stayed at a campsite right next to Hoover Dam. Sorry for the short post, but today was a slow day. Tomorrow should be quite interesting, we have Death Valley as our next destination. 

I am adding this picture to show you my abundant talent for photography. Bask in the glow of my finger dwarfing the Grand Canyon. This picture seems to be saying "The world is big, but from the right angle you can feel like a giant." Or it might be saying "Move your hand moron." Either way I bid you all adieu for now.

We traveled 300 miles, which should not have taken us all day, but we sat around and studied Japanese for most of the morning #humblebrag.


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