Hi! Hunter, here!
Day 9 was a BLAST!
We made it to the Grand Canyon's south rim around 7am.
A sweet Korean couple took our photo as we sat on the rim
Huge Elk were everywhere! And they didn't really care how close you got to them.
Photos do not do the Canyon justice. If you want to see what it truly looks like, you'll have to see it for yourself one day!
Yoshi highly recommends it!
After viewing the first piece of the Canyon, we headed for the campground to get a spot!
When we got there, many of the spaces were taken up, but we ended up getting the coolest spot in the whole camp!
Here is our campsite. Pretty groovy.
After securing our campsite, we decided to go for a little hike around the rim!
Yes, those are cliffs we are standing on!!
After our hike, we headed back to our cozy campsite to hang out.
Heya guys, the Dust-man is gonna take over from here. Once we got back to our campsite, we had a one of a kind experience. We got set up, played some music, set up a tarp for shade, and achieved chill nirvana. After 2 hours of this, our neighboring campers arrived. They were some loud beer drinking, Yahtzee playing, foul mouthed Yankees from Minnesota. They proceeded to loudly sing over our music in an effort to get us to turn it off, but whatever, I'm chill. I turn the music down and listen to them scream YAHTZEE! Then a raven poops right on me. Still gonna be chill, it's no big deal. How many of you have seen a large blue and black bee? I mistook it for a bumble bee and blew at it when It hovered too close. It then targeted me, mirroring my movements, and dive bombing me and hunter. It decided our big tarp was a flower, brought back 2 other bees, and came to the conclusion we were the reason it could not get that flower. Before you say we were being babies about it, this bee was freaking huge! That was the last straw, we cut the tarp down and abandoned the camp site. No longer feeling chill, we walked to the main Grand Canyon view point... I don't know how to describe it. The Grand Canyon in the evening looks completely different. The colors are more vibrant, the patterns are more visible, and it just moves you to tears. I have never seen a more beautiful site, and I doubt I ever will again. We met wonderful people as we stood at the Canyon's edge for 6 hours until the sun went down. We took no pictures of the Canyon in the evening, because nothing we tried could capture the magnificence of God's creation.
Once we returned to the campsite, I started a fire with no hiccups at all, My father gave me some free advice since last time, and it worked. Never buy fire starters, they are a huge waste of money, instead buy a bag of coals that are percolated in lighter fuel. Works like a charm. This was the best day of the trip, and I thank God for that freaking bee. Without it we never would have seen the Canyon in all its glory. God bless all of you.
We traveled 60 miles today, and ended our day 8000' above sea level.
P.S. If you go camping and someone is bothering you; be an adult and ask them to turn the music down. Don't be a passive aggressive butthead.
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