Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Day 8!

Hey everyone, Dustin here. Today was another exciting day on God's green earth. Last night we met a man named Stan, and I believe that God used him to give us the sign we were praying for. We had great conversations about our faith, but something he kept saying over and over again was that he wished he had been paying more attention to God in his youth. I felt very convicted and realized that I had been looking at the creation and ignoring the father in heaven. We are now much happier with our trip, and we accept that we can't control every aspect of it.

If you look closely, you can see the worlds smallest man on a relatively huge rock for him to climb. Mexican hat rock was amazing. Being able to see the whole world from up kinda high was incredible. We didn't get any pictures of monument valley because it wasnt anywhere close to being as cool as this rock. Monument valley was cool looking, but it felt sad seeing it. It's on Navajo land, and it's very sad to see such a strong people reduced to fee collectors at a resort.

Hunter found sweet sheep doggo. And he loved her. Hunter misses sweet sheep doggo. 

After meeting sweet sheep doggo, we chilled and did some yoga at the Navajo national monument campsite(a free campsite, first come first served). We decided that we would head for the Grand Canyon, next! 
On our way there we stopped and found some Dino tracks!!!

Dinosaur? Or dragon? 

After hiking around some old Dino fossils for about an hour, we kept driving into the night until we reached a campsite that was 20 miles outside of the Grand Canyon's south rim. 

That's all for now!

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