Day 2 was fantastic!!! We woke up with the sunrise in Roswell and headed straight for the White Sands desert!
Even Yoshi liked it ;)
The sand was smooth and the weather was perfect. We laid out in the sun for an hour. The sun was hot but there was a light cool breeze that tickled our shoulders. We had an amazing time. It was so much fun climbing up the 30 foot sand dunes.
If you are wondering, 'yo, whaddup with all that white sand, dawg?' I have answers for you! The
white sands desert is derived from Gypsum crystals "The gypsum that forms the white sands was deposited at the bottom of a shallow sea that covered this area 250 million years ago. Eventually turned into stone, these gypsum-bearing marine deposits were uplifted into a giant dome 70 million years ago when the Rocky Mountains were formed."
Our elevation at the White Sands desert was 4,235 feet above sea level! That's a far cry from the 56 foot elevation in Baton Rouge. We felt invigorated!
After the white sands desert we headed to the Three Rivers Petroglyphs site. On our way there we found a giant pistachio
On our way to the petroglyphs there was a huge cattle ranch with cow crossing signs everywhere. I wanted to steal one, but I settled for posing with one instead. As we drove down the road with our windows down, we could hear the cows mooing off in the distance. My heart fluttered to hear their sweet calls ^_^ <3
Finally we made it to our campsite, the Three Rivers Petroglyphs. Petroglyph basically means "carved rock". These Petroglyphs at the Three Rivers site are believed to be from the Jornodon Mongolian people. We thought that the petroglyph in the above photo looked like a dragon!
Yoshi liked this one a lot.
After taking a mile hike through the trail containing 21.000 unique Petroglyphs, we got some dinner.
That's all for now!
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