Monday, May 8, 2017

Day 11 Too hot to handle

What's up everyone? Dustin here again with an exciting new blog post! Today we got to travel through Nevada. The first thing we did was wake up to the sound of a Quail. They have an adorable call, and they look so cute! Once we packed everything up in the car we looked up on a hill and saw 2 big horn rams. Before you worry, yes we got a picture, and yes it's the one beneath this paragraph.

After we saw the Rams, we took off for Hoover Dam. As far as man made constructions go, this one is pretty cool. The amount of water being held back is incredible. Also, this is the main event area in one of my favorite video games of all time. Aaron... buddy... it's okay to be crushingly jealous.

Here we are now at Lake Mead. This is the lake that Hoover Dam made a little bit smaller. It is still absolutely huge. Water from this lake goes all the way to San Francisco showers. 

This gorgeous woman standing next to the pinkest cow in the world, was photographed in Boulder City. Boulder City is a very charming little town that manages to be cool enough so as not to be labeled a pit stop on the way to Vegas. We had some decent food at a cafe that made it onto food network... we forgot the name...

 The monkey has me right where he wants me.

 We found Hunter's long lost cousin. It was so nice for her to have someone her height to talk to. Just have a wonderful thought Hunter.

This Ram is one of the most disgruntled portraits of an animal I have ever seen. I have no idea what he is giving that look to, but it must feel deep shame and regret.

Before we whooshed through Las Vegas, we stopped off to see Hunter's Aunts. Aunt Martha was not there unfortunately, but I did get to meet Aunt Marian! She is sooooo sweet. It was so nice to meet another loving member of the family. I love you Aunt May May.

If you are wondering where Yoshi went, he got stranded in Death Valley because he decided to go on without us. After hours of searching the entire desert, we found him stuck in a tree. I don't think I have ever been in a hotter environment than Death Valley. The wind felt like it was blowing the hottest air out of the hottest oven right into my Hot face. Death Valley was more of a novelty to see, because it was just was too hot to get out and do anything. Quite the contrast to the rest of our trip.

As we reached the end of our day, we crossed over into California. We quickly learned that we had not escaped the cool weather, as it was 30 degrees colder that it was in Death Valley. We booked a hotel so that we could shower and passed out. The next blog shall be written by my faithful sidekick Hunter. Godspeed to all of you.

Today we traveled lots of Miles and went from sea level to 8000 feet above sea level over and over again.


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